Teacher to Teacher Feedback Activity

ghislaine tegha
4 min readMay 31, 2022


The following sequence of activities (Learning Object) on Teacher-to-Teacher Feedback from an instructor’s perspective is based on the Educational-Digital Gradual Immersion Model (EDGIM). The Learning Object is aligned to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) four, which is Quality Education. The aim of this Learning Object is to contribute to the learning process on effective peer to peer feedback among teachers.


Through this MakerEd project, teachers will work collaboratively in a workshop to brainstorm and learn about effective ways to deliver constructive and actionable feedback to their peers. Teachers are also invited to reflect on their teaching practice, as well as effective practices for giving and receiving feedback within their local context.

Learning objectives

For this project, the “learners” will be the teachers. The learning sequence will be delivered in the form of a workshop. At the end of this workshop, the learner should be able to:

  • Define constructive feedback
  • Appraise the quality of feedback
  • Organise a schedule for providing feedback
  • Create a 3D model of an enabling peer to peer feedback environment

Materials and digital resources required

  • A whiteboard
  • Sticky notes
  • A projector
  • Stationary

Expected deliverables at the end of the project

At the end of the project, teachers should create a comprehensive framework, structure and protocol for providing critical, constructive and actionable feedback to their colleagues. This deliverable should include details such as the frequency, the subject, the timing, the language and the material and intellectual resources required.

Teacher-to-Teacher Feedback Learning Object

Module I. Familiarise

Number of teachers : 6–8 teachers per session

Brief check-in activity, e.g. ask teachers to mention one positive thing that happened in their classrooms today

Introduce the concept of peer to peer feedback using a slide deck

Activity. On sticky notes, invite teachers to reflect on the benefits and disadvantages of peer to peer feedback. Collect the sticky notes and organise them into two categories. Initiate a whole group discussion on these issues.

The facilitator introduces effective ways to give and receive feedback through a slide deck presentation.

Explain the objective of the workshop: which is to co-create a comprehensive framework for giving peer to peer feedback to colleagues

Module 2. Co-create

In groups of four, teachers are invited to work together to create a comprehensive feedback framework for giving peer feedback to colleagues.

Activity: Design your ultimate feedback experience.

This activity can either be sketched on paper or prototyped using software, depending on the available resources and materials.

Expected Deliverables (depending on the available resources)

  1. A 3D prototype of an ideal teacher to teacher feedback scenario
  2. A paper sketch of an ideal teacher to teacher feedback scenario
  3. A comprehensive framework on providing actionable feedback to peers

Some Prompts to guide the process:

  1. What environment is this taking place?
  2. How many colleagues are there?
  3. When is this taking place?
  4. Is it in-person or online?
  5. Who is giving you this feedback?
  6. How often do you get feedback?
  7. What subject is the feedback on? (e.g. classroom management, pedagogy, content)
  8. How useful/ actionable is the feedback?
  9. How do you know the feedback is useful?

Module III. Exhibit

In this phase, teachers will be invited to share their prototypes and frameworks with peers for constructive feedback and whole group discussions.


Participants will each be awarded 10 minutes to share their ideas and framework developed as a group, as well as justify their choices. This will be followed by Q&A and 10 minutes of discussion.


As the deliverable/product is based on effective peer feedback, participants will receive feedback in the methodology they propose.


21st Century Skills: Educator Self-Assessment

The learning object aligns with the following 21st Century Skills & Attributes:

  • Oral and written communication as it enables teachers to rethink their communication techniques when giving or receiving feedback
  • Critical thinking and problem-solving as it promotes and reinforces effective feedback
  • Collaboration and communication across networks as teachers collaborate with their peers
  • Curiosity and imagination as teachers add their own personal touch to the feedback experience
  • Agility & adaptability as learners are encouraged to create a range of tools
  • Self-regulation as teachers are invited to reflect on their learning and how they receive/give feedbackSelected Equitable Learning Practice: Teacher to teacher feedback

The importance of Teacher to Teacher feedback

Teacher to Teacher feedback is a powerful and cost-effective pedagogical tool for promoting interaction in educational guidance between teachers and students as well as ensuring continuous professional development opportunities for teachers(Hattie & Timperley, 2007; Santana, 2013). Teacher to teacher feedback enables a teacher to see how their teaching practice can be improved, and which teaching and learning strategies are more likely to be effective.

Source: AZ Quotes

Alignment with the SDGs

This project targets SDG 4 which aims to “: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all”. Specifically, it responds to target 4c, which aims to “substantially increase the supply of qualified teachers, including through international cooperation for teacher training in developing countries, especially least developed countries and small island developing States”.


Hattie, J. & Timperley, H. (2007).The Power of Feedback. Review of Educational Research, 77(1), 81–112. doi: 10.3102/003465430298487

Sanabria, J. & Sánchez, P (2017). Capítulo 7. Evaluación de un modelo de inmersión gradual educativa digital. In R. Sumozas, E. Nieto, (Eds). Evaluación de la competencia digital docente. España, Editorial Síntesi

Santana, L. E. (2013).Orientación Profesional. Madrid: Síntesis.



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